The earth belongs in usufruct to the living.

The earth belongs in usufruct to the living.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Usus (Use) Fructus (Fruit)

Included in the extended definition of ‘usufruct’ attributed to Simpson and Weiner (Oxford Dictionary 1989) in Chapter 4 was a reference to Marsh (1864:35) ‘Man in Nature’, wherein he stated:

“Man has too long forgotten that the earth was given to him for usufruct alone, not for consumption”. Continue reading

New Project

Minister for Mines and Energy, Chris Hartcher, fails to reply to the email below. EVEN HIS OLD SCHOOLMATES CAN’T GET HIS ATTENTION TO ADDRESS SOCIAL INEQUITIES.


Gidday Chris Hartcher, Minister for Mines and Energy (email 15 Sept 2011)

Bluey Curtis (OR 63) here!

I am about to go out to Boggabri to consult with the community about the open-cut coal mine at the southern end of Leard State Forest. Their concerns are many, and some revolve about the lack of any forseeable ‘net’ benefit to the community, or the environment. Continue reading